Sample Message Welcome to India! Your Verification Code is: ##OTP##
If you want above sample message to be displayed exactly in your mobile via using the portal you can do following; Welcome to India!. PRESS ENTER KEY Your Verification Code is: ##OTP##.PRESS ENTER KEY
Best Way to Use Enter in the Message via using API. Welcome to India!%0A Your Verification Code is: ##OTP##%0A
Sample Message
Welcome to India!
Your Verification Code is: ##OTP##
If you want above sample message to be displayed exactly in your mobile via using the portal you can do following;
Welcome to India!. PRESS ENTER KEY
Your Verification Code is: ##OTP##.PRESS ENTER KEY
Best Way to Use Enter in the Message via using API.
Welcome to India!%0A
Your Verification Code is: ##OTP##%0A
NOTE : %0A is the HTML value of ENTER.
Tags: How to Use "Enter" while using API