This is to inform you about the recent implementation of TRAI direction regarding Principal Entities (PE) and Telemarketer (TM) Chain Binding for traceability of SMS delivery.

The "812 error code" typically indicates that there is a problem with the message parameters, settings, or the recipient's information when sending bulk SMS through a specific SMS gateway or provider. However, the specific meaning of the error code may vary depending on the service you are using. Here are some general steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

As per TRAI's direction, all Principal Entities (PEs) are required to disclose the complete chain through which their SMS communication is sent. This includes all involved Registered Telemarketers (RTMs). With effect from 11st December 2024, messages will not be allowed if the chain of Telemarketers are not defined.

PE-TM Chain Binding Workflow

Principal Entity (PE) → Telemarketer-Aggregation Function (AF) (If there is any aggregator is the chain) → Telemarketer-Delivery Function (DF) (Here SMSGATEWAYHUB is TM DF) → OAP (Operator)

Action Required – For PE customers

  1. Log in to your respective DLT portal.
  2. Click on the "Chain" option available on the dashboard. Every operator will have similar options to define the chain process “Create new request
  3. Enter SMSGATEWAYHUB TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD as the Telemarketer or can enter the TM ID (1302157243747322354) and submit the request.
  4. SMSGATEWAYHUB as the Telemarketer (TM-DF) will approve the request on DLT.
  5. After TM-DF approval, the request goes back to the PE for final confirmation. The PE must log in to their PE account and approve the PE-TM chain. Once approved, the chain is finally completed!


1.600ENTITY_NOT_FOUNDNo record found with EID as primary key
2.601ENTITY_NOT_REGISTEREDNo entry of entity on the platform.
3.602ENTITY_INACTIVEEntity is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
4.603ENTITY_BLACKLISTEDEntity is blacklisted on all platforms
5.604INVALID_ENTITY_IDReceived wrong entity id format or no entity id tag.
6.605ENTITY_ID_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_TMPrincipal entity is not allowed for the TM
7.606 – 609ENTITY_RESERVEDReserved for Entity
8.610TELEMARKETER_NOT_REGISTEREDNo entry of TMID on the platform.
9.611TELEMARKETER_INACTIVETelemarketer is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
10.612TELEMARKETER_BLACKLISTEDTelemarketer is blacklisted on all platforms
11.613TELEMARKETER_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_ENTITYTelemarketer is not allowed the Entity
12.614PE_TM_HASH_NOT_RECEIVEDPE-TM Hash not Received
13.615PE_TM_HASH_NOT_REGISTEREDPE-TM Hash not Registered
14.616PE_TM_HASH_INACTIVEPE-TM Hash Inactive
15.617PE_TM_HASH_BLACKLISTEDPE-TM Hash Blacklisted
16.618PE_TM_HASH_SUSPENDEDPE-TM Hash Suspended
17.619TELEMARKETER_RESERVEDReserved for Telemarketer
18.620HEADER_NOT_FOUNDNo record found with header (case sensitive) as primary key
19.621HEADER_INACTIVEHeader is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
20.622HEADER_BLACKLISTEDHeader is blacklisted on all platforms
21.623PEID_NOT_MATCHED_WITH_HEADERPrinciple Entity Id is not matched with Header Id
22.624HEADER_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_VALIDITYHeader is Suspended after the validity period
23.625HEADER_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_USAGEHeader is Suspended due to non-usage
24.626HEADER_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_CUSTOMERHeader is Suspended due to PE action
25.627HEADER_MISUSED_FOR_INVALID_CONTENTInvalid/Spam content is failed.
26.628HEADER_RESERVEDReserved for Header
27.629HEADER_MISUSED_FOR_INVALID_CONTENTSpam content detected against Header
28.630TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUNDNo record found with Template Id as primary key/no template found
29.631TEMPLATE_INACTIVETemplate is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
30.632TEMPLATE_BLACKLISTEDTemplate is blacklisted on all platforms
31.633TEMPLATE_NOT_MATCHEDTemplate not matched for given Template ID
32.634HEADER_NOT_REGISTERED_FOR_TEMPLATEHeader is not registered for the template
33.635TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_EXCEEDED_MAX_LENGTHVariable length exceeded the max configured length
34.636ERROR_IDENTIFYING_TEMPLATEError in identifying the template
35.637INVALID_TEMPLATE_IDReceived wrong Template id format or no Template id tag.
36.638ENTITY_NOT_REGISTERED_FOR_TEMPLATEEntity not registered for the submitted Template
37.639TEMPLATE_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_VALIDITYTemplate is Suspended after the validity period
38.640TEMPLATE_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_USAGETemplate is Suspended due to non-usage
39.641TEMPLATE_SUSPENDED_DUE_TO_CUSTOMERTemplate is Suspended due to PE action
40.642CTA_NOT_WHITELISTEDTemplate scrubbing failed due to non-whitelisted CTA
41.643-649TEMPLATE_RESERVEDReserved for Template
42.650PREFERENCE_NOT_MATCHEDBlocked in preferences with MSISDN as PK.
43.651INVALID_PROMO_TIMEBlock promo hours (9PM to 10AM)
44.652SE_CATEGORY_BLOCKSE category blocking on fully DND, if consent not available
45.653-659PREFERENCE_RESERVEDReserved for Preference
46.660CONSENT_FAILEDGeneral error code for Consent
47.661-669CONSENT_RESERVEDReserved for Consents
49.671-699SCRUBBING_RESERVEDReserved for Scrubbing
507001Entity is inactive
517002Entity is blacklist
527003Entity not in DB
537004Entity ID Blank
54812Missing PETM Hash in AerospikeScrubbing will fail with response code 812. Logger mode message: "NOT FOUND".
55813PE ID MismatchIf the PE ID in the request does not match the PE ID in the PETMHash object in Aerospike, scrubbing will fail with response code 813. Logger mode message: "NOT MATCHED".

if any kind of support plese drop mail us at :